Saturday, March 5, 2016

Support and Information For Parents of Children Diagnosed With Gastroschisis
  1. Avery's Angels Gastroschisis Foundation:
This foundation is an amazing recourse for parents and families that have babies with Gastroschisis. It was founded by a family who themselves had a child with Gastroschisis. Unfortunately, their son Avery did not make it. However, they explained how wonderful it was to have a solid support system that was always there for them in their time of need and wanted others to experience the same help. Avery's Angels is a foundation built to help educate and support those who are experiencing the trials of having a child with Gastroschisis. They offer programs to raise awareness for Gastroschisis, while raising funds both nationally and internationally for families affected by this disorder.  

2. Gastroschisis Help Resources and Member Contributed:

This help center is great for everyone that has dealt with the effects Gastroschisis can have on families and those diagnosed. It is an open blog in which you may become a member. Those who visit this site can write and talk about anything relating to Gastroschisis. You can talk with other people who have experienced situations similar to yours regarding Gastroschisis. It has often been used by children who have survived treatment and repair of Gastroschisis, who may be experiencing complications since. It is a very good resource for those who have many questions and want to connect with others who are going through or have gone through similar complications. 

3. Band Back Together:

This website is a one stop shop if you're looking for a variety of resources that may help with a Gastroschisis diagnosis. A few of the resources listed include: 
  • Baby loss resources
  • Birth defects resources
  • NICU resources 
  • Life After the NICU
  • Specialty needs parenting resources 
  • Pregnancy resources 
4. CDC:

The CDC provides the most up-to-date information and treatments for those with Gastroschisis. It includes the signs and symptoms, assessment, diagnosis, occurrence, risk factors, treatment and emotional support. I would recommend this for the most accurate scientific information regarding this disorder.


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